

Use your arrow keys or swipes to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one!

You can play 2048 by yourself or with the help of NN. You can get some hints from deep learning model by clicking Think button. This trained model can achieve 2048+ in > 94%, 4096+ in > 78% and 8192+ in > 34% of the games.

2048 References

Nim Game against Computer

From an article in Wikipedia,

In another game which is commonly known as Nim (but is better called the subtraction game), an upper bound is imposed on the number of objects that can be removed in a turn. Instead of removing arbitrarily many objects, a player can only remove 1 or 2 or … or k at a time. The player taking the last object wins.

How to Play

In this game, we’ll slightly change the rule to get a certain number of stones. Now you can only grab as many stones as the number written inside colored circles.

  1. Drag and highlight the stones that you would like to remove.
  2. Click the Take button.
  3. Win the game against the computer.
Scholar Resume

Scholar Resume

Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based P2E game. Players purchase NFTs of cute monsters called Axies and then pit them against each other in battles. They can earn SLP tokens during gameplay and trade them for money at an exchange.

The Axie scholarship program lets scholars willing to play the game possess one or more decks to play Axie infinity. Scholarship managers buy or provide decks of 3 axies, enabling the scholar to play battles. The scholar’s SLP revenue follows a 50/50 or 60/40 payout ratio depending on the scholars’ performance.

We have launched a single page application “Scholar Resume“ for axie scholars to apply for a specific scholarship, providing achievement information, including their ranks, MMR, and earned SLP history via their playing accounts.

The Water Jug Riddle

The Water Jug Riddle

Detective John McClane must measure out exactly 4 gallons of water and place the resulting weight on a scale to disable a bomb. His tools are yours: a 3-gallon and a 5-gallon jug—and a single fountain. McClane did it in less than 5 minutes. Can you also do it in time and provide a generalized solution for arbitrary gallons of both jugs?

Jug 1

Jug 2





Every step can be visualized as billiard moves in the coordinate system on a triangular lattice. The above hexagonal plot gives two solutions to the 5-gallon and 3-gallon puzzle. Each point on the boundary denotes combinations achievable with the jugs. Starting at two vertices (5, 0) and (0, 3), traces of the blue points show pourable transitions. We have measured 4 gallons in 6 and 7 steps concerning the starting points. Might it be possible to get a prime gallon of water from coprime gallon jugs (e.g., to yield 7 gallons from a 9-gallon jug and 15-gallon jug)?