Paper Review: Multi-Aspect Streaming Tensor Completion

  • This article is all about a recently-viewed paper, Multi-Aspect Streaming Tensor Completion in proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD ‘17).
    • #tensor_completion, #MAST, #dynamic_tensor_decomposition,
      #online_algorithm, #streaming_data, #CP_factorization
  • Abstract
    • Completion of incremental tensors without sacrificing effectiveness remains a challenging task due to the uncertainty of tensor mode changes and complex data structure of multi-aspect streaming tensors. To bridge this gap, we propose a Multi-Aspect Streaming Tensor completion framework based on CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition to track the subspace of general incremental tensors for completion.
  • Relevance to My Research
    • MAST is the 1st approach to online analysis that solved the multi-aspect streaming problem.
    • I’m also working on streaming tensor and trying to develop my method. You can see the progress of my research on GitHub.

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